Minnesota : DHS

DHS Licensing Division


  • If you currently hold a 245D-HCBS license, you must enter your User Name and Password, then press the Login button.

  • If you are a DHS licensor/supervisor or county licensor you must login with the username and password provided to you in the email you received from DHS. DO NOT create a new account.

Create account
  • If you do NOT hold a 245D-HCBS license and want to apply for a 245D-HCBS license, you must first create an account by clicking the Create Account link. If you hold a DHS or a corporate AFC license you will be required to enter your License Holder Identification Number in the application.

  • If you are a county licensor DO NOT create a new account. You must login with the username and password provided to you in the email you received from DHS. If you create a new account you will not be able to access your caseload information.

IMPORTANT: Please turn off all pop-up blockers in order to login and complete this application!
User Name:
Create Account
